Floor cleaning

Sweeping, hoovering or mopping helps to keep the floor clean, but if it is only self-made cleaning, the results usually never reach the necessary quality that a professional company can offer. Commonly available cleaning tools may clean the surface, but to get rid of the dust, allergens and deep-seated dirt, it is necessary to undertake cleaning with a professional approach.

Our specialised company can deal with all types of floors – carpets (we choose mechanical extraction cleaning or gentle manual cleaning according to the type), wooden floors, polished concrete, tiles or any other floor covering. In addition to the usual tasks associated with cleaning the floors, let’s mention some of the special work our company also performs:

Impregnation of wooden floors

Wood is one of the basic materials used for millennia. It is pleasant, beautiful, natural, able to breathe, dampens noise and generally creates a nice environment. However, as a natural material, wood needs to be cared for so that it is not threatened by moisture and does not deteriorate. In addition to cleaning wooden floors, their impregnation is also needed. How should we do it?

  • waxing wooden floors
  • oiling wooden floors
  • varnishing of wooden floors

Oiling of wooden floors

Oil naturally repels water. Some oils, such as linseed oil, dry at the same time and create a hard layer on the surface of the wood, which increases its resistance to damage or deformation. The oil is usually applied in several layers so that it is absorbed in sufficient quantity.